Macawi Mosi Honeymoons Namid (Star dancer)
Gorgeous Silver Tortie female, daugther of EC Versus Ryusei and Ch Bearcloud Honeymoon Croon.
When you look at stunning Namid you see sheer perfection! From lynx tips to toes. Namid, my Star dancer, is all I could ever wish for.. and more.. she is a dream come true..!!
Excellent build, long body with strong boning and an xl tail, well placed and wide on the base big ears, a perfect headtype and profile with a strong chin, great muzzle, a well rounded forehead and lovely MCO eyes .. you will get drawn into these green eyes.. they are unforgettable!
Namid has a strong character and a lovely temper.
fs 22 09
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HCM DNA - Negative
Show resultaten
Show Result Judge 21 10 2012 Uitgeest FIFE 27 01 2013 WW Houten BIV 31 03 2013 FIFE Apeldoorn Biv, Nom., Best MC junior female in show. 14 11 2013 wassenaar CAC